Moving back to Minneapolis after 2 years in the Mountains of Western North Carolina, one of my biggest concerns is drinking water. It may sound strange, but Drinking pure wild mountain spring water, free of fluoride, has been a Yogic Initiation. One reason I can explain, a vein which is comprehensible... is that I finally experiential have understood that water comes from the earth. While I intellectually knew this, my water still came from a tap through a filter. Drinking water directly from the earth is something very intimate, you could call it Drinking the Essence of the Goddess if you want to be Poetic. Less comprehensible perhaps is that drinking wild water is
awakening the Sidhis of my family. I believe this because when Jaina was pregnant with Edwin, concerned about the possibility of Nitrogen in the water, she decided to drink RO water from the Coop. I continued to drink Spring water and some things became clear to me. It wasn't until the Last month of the pregnancy that she began drinking Spring water, when an unfolding occurred in her too.
So now that we are leaving these beautiful mountains, and the sacred source, I open to the possibility of a bountiful and pure Spring, near my Hometown Minneapolis.

I remember the protests, the arrests, people chaining themselves to trees, but at the time didn't realize the importance. Springs are not common in this area. If there was not an elaborate system which "cleaned" the water in the Mississippi, you wouldn't want to drink it? .... you may not still not. So then, where would Minneapolis get their water? From the Lakes? From the Creek? A Spring is sacred because it is the place where water comes directly from the earth. By the time exposed water like the Mississippi, or Minnehaha creek get to MPLS, it is unfortunately very polluted.
So does anyone know if Cold Water Springs still Potable? I am certainly going to test it.
Interestingly there is record of a second spring on the West Bank of the Mississippi, on the steep river Bluff below 26th St and River Road. Known as Hajduk Spring, after its most recent discover and proponent. Unfortunately, the site I found about it claims the water is no longer drinkable. Not surprising, although I would like to personally verify this. The full story is available here. has 2 Springs in the outlying suburbs. Has anyone visited either? I will be visiting these and let you know what I find.... If anyone else knows of a Spring around MPLS please email me.
All I can say though is that as the practice has become more subtle I am realizing more subtly how we affect our environment. That the natural waters, the blood of the earth beneath us and around are supposedly not drinkable is a message for us, not just about our survival. What are the implications that the very medium we are made of is polluted?
Below are some links:
Friends of Cold Water Springs
Radio Program about Cold Water Springs
Hajduk Springs
Movie : The Flouride Deception
Did you ever find out if it was drinkable?