Sunday, August 21, 2011

Guided Yoga Practice 3: City Becomes OM

Why anyone thinks Meditation is Boring?

This is a "concept" that has come to me in meditation on a few occasions.

What is there was a lifeforms that we could not see, because in our three dimensional perceptive awareness, the manifest aspects appeared to be something else.  What if the 3-dimensional physical world supported non-material beings, which were primarily manifest in higher dimensions.  What if there was a whole kingdom or "life", which three dimensionally is expressed as systems, of which plants, fungus, animals and nature are the cellular building blocks or provide non-material nourishment to consciousness as far advanced from humans as humans are from single celled organisms.

Could it be the complex organization of our society enables, allows or is food for subtle, energetic anatomy of a more advanced awareness than human.   That we are only a rung on a ladder of consciousness levels, and the only reason we don't see those above is is because our perspective is too small. Or perhaps the existence of higher beings is simply