Friday, September 30, 2011

The Importance of Diet in Practice

With classes offerings at Asheville Culture project ended, I have been able to attend more classes. While I do a do a morning practice at home everyday, I can't stress enough the importance of practicing with a teacher. The simple fact that you don't know whats coming next perhaps more accurately describes our experience of right now. A good teacher will inspire you to find your highest expression, rather than just going through the motions. While common wisdom dictates that you should leave 2 hours between your last meal and your Hatha practice, I have found that leaving even more time is beneficial. This has practical value, as if your body is trying to digest food, it will not have the same energy to devote to Yoga. Energetically Hatha practice is a practice of reversing Apana Vayu, or downward flowing energy associated with digestion, so that it may awaken the flow of kundalini energy upwards as consciousness. If you have food in your stomach this will be a struggle. The Bandas are like the water wheels which encourage the upwards flow. If you have food or water in your stomach you will not be able to fully activate the bandas.

With that disclaimer, the type of food we eat also has an affect on our ability to access the subtle forces in our Hatha Practice. Dense foods even if eaten the day before create blockage in the intestines, as well as require massive amounts of water and energy to break down and digest. The best foods to eat in order to access the intention of Hatha practice is fresh juices, smoothies and elixirs, or water rich fruits and vegetables. I have seen time and time again, practitioners gravitate towards this way of eating simply because it feels better in the daily practice. Yoga is a practice of being present, awake and skillful right now right here where life is taking place. That our thoughts words and deeds be the concious choice to express te person who we truly are. This extends off the mat, with the simple yet radical invitation that every thought, word and deed have the intention of yoga, or the free flow of energy.

This has profound implications on the foods we eat. When in doubt you can simply ask yourself the question "Is this helping me to expand or making me contract". You already know the answer.

Netles, Gynostemma, Reishi Elixir Recipe

In this video I walk you though a delicious easy way to get the mineral rich superfood nutrients from fresh nettles.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Reishi: Ganoderma Lucidum

Reishi Mushroom has been used for thousads of years by practitioners of yogic arts. While is mostly used today for its immune modulating effects, reishi is a food that anyone with a practice of lucidity may want to consider.

Reishi is the most researched herb in the world.  Studies have shown reishi to be immune modulating, that is stimulating to an under active immune system and calming to an overactive immune system.  Reishi has been a valuable tool for many people in overcoming allergies.  Reishi is a superb liver tonic and has ben used with out any toxic side effects for thousands of years.

Reishi is considered to be an adaptogen meaning it helps the body to "adapt" to stress.  Its said that when taken regularly it reduces the bodies reaction to stress allowing us to remain calm and skillful in the face of intensity.

In Chinese medicine reishi is considered to be a long term energy builder.  It is nourishing to Jing, Chi and Shen.  While reishi's effects on the immune system certainly have powerful implications perhaps it has been most coveted for its effects on awareness.

Reishi is considered nourishing to Shen.  Shen is a concept from traditional Chinese medicine which in yoga terms corresponds to the subtle bodies.  In my personal opinion I believe that reishi accesses Shen through cultivation of lucidity.  That is it makes us conscious of the

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mind Body and Subtle effects of Cordyceps Sinsensis

Cordyceps Sinensis is a parasitic mushroom that grows out of the head of a caterpillar.  Known for thousands of years as a powerful tonic herb, it has in the last 30 years been hybridized to more strongly express its beneficial attributes.  With its long history of use in Asia, it has relatively recently become known in the West primarily after Chinese Athletes broke 9 world records at the '93 National summer games.  Suspicion arose that they were using performance enhancing drugs, but were found to only be using cordyceps. 

Cordyceps is a lung tonic and known to increase endurance.  Cordyceps is said to increase our ability to harmonize mind body.  Cordycpes strengthens the skeletal system and joints with a special affinity for knees and ankles.   For this reason it is a highly valuable tool for people with an intense Asana or Hatha practice.  Modern studies have showed that cordyceps increase energy production in mitochondria and increases oxygen uptake by the lungs.

Like any good tonic herb cordyceps is known to be a sexual tonic, and given to women to increase fertility.   Cordyceps is also said to increase sexual endurance and cure impotence.  Cordyceps clearly has a tonifying physical affect on the sexual systems of the body.  Energetically cordyceps may assist our ability to awaken and harness Kundalini.  Sexual energy is intrinsically linked to life force energy, and skillful use and maintenance of this force is paramount for yoga practitioners.

Cordyceps is very beneficial to the immune system and increases immunity against bacteria, viruses and fungus.  Cordyceps is being heavily researched in China as a cancer cure.

Cordyceps is a supreme brain tonic.  Cordyceps is said to increase mental clarity and create better mental focus. 

Cordyceps has traditionally been consume as a broth, all though the rarity and power of this mushroom make it very expensive.  Perhaps the best way to consume cordyceps today is as an extract. 

We have laboratory grown cordyceps sinesis that is then hot water extracted to 10 times the potency.   It has an strong but not unpleasant nutty flavor which combines well in a smoothie or tonic elixir.  Available here.