Friday, April 29, 2011

The Importance of a Daily Practice

I'm gonna just put this out there.... We don't usually say things straight up in this society because there is an unspoken mutual code that we not pierce the armor of egoic structures with truth.... We tiptoe around what is true to be polite and
make others feel comfortable.  Ironically too often when the truth is told it is confrontational with intention to hurt... This is not my intention.... These words are my intention to heal and awaken our potential.

We have compromised so much from what we really are.  Most of us have no idea of what powerful beings we are.  Your ancestors were warriors, they fought daily for survival.  Food was not taken for granted, and the elements were respected because their creative and destructive power was evident every day.   Now we eat processed foods that make the body weak, fat and deformed.  The mind is weak and filled with fear.  This is why we are so easily manipulated as a people by corrupt corporations and politicians.  We allow them to commit atrocities, killing human and animal beings, and polluting and destroying the environment.  We even let them do it our name, though we may not agree with their actions because our desire for comfort makes us easy to control.  We drink their fluoride filled Tap water, take their drugs and live off toxic processed, nutrition-less foods.  Our Life Force energy is literally sucked by the system, working jobs we hate which destroy the environment, filling the spiritually empty with false wealth, just to pay rent.

We sometimes dream about rising up but, how could we revolt?  All they have to do is cut off the water.  What would we do if they stop delivering food to the grocery store?  Most of us have no connection to the source of the energy which feeds our bodies.  We've forgotten who and what we are on every level.

There are many ways to spend time, but the goal of a yoga practitioner is to align the manifest aspects of body, mind, emotions and subtle elements to who we really our.... Our Self.

The best investment we can possibly make is in Self.  Let me distinguish between "Self" with a capital S, which is the person you are, and "self" with a lowercase s, the ego identity, name, social security number and any thing that we falsely identify with.

Knowledge of Self is daily practice.  For me this has been Yoga.  It could easily be other things to other people, but what is crucial is that it is a mindful practice. That is something which challenges us to more awake.

Kundalini And Yantra by David Edwin Hill 2006
Time passes regardless.  What we do once, generally doesn't matter much, but what we do every day creates how we experience tomorrow.  To be clear Tomorrow never arrives, but right now we are transforming.  We have seen friends and family crumple under the weight of the world, becoming less than the full expression of their Self, destroying their physical bodies in search of Escape, with drugs, alcohol, food, tv or work.  Its easy to understand how this happens.... We are brainwashed... Marketed to... Lied to and Oppressed by a matrix of toxic greed and power.  A system which feeds off fear and weakness, while it poisons our earth and our bodies.  How could we not crumple? 

The only medicine I know to create an inner resilience and strength to the wight of the world is mindful intention filled practice.  Everyday.

Life is tremendously intense and filled with many opportunities to suffer.  A mindful practice can help us to tap into the levity which is with in us.  It gives us the space to turn adversity into opportunity for growth.

If you dream of shattering the matrix like so many of us do.... Make your self strong, flexible and skillful, physically mentally, emotionally and subtly, with a daily practice.  Martial Arts, Yoga or Knitting, but do it every day with intention.... That our thoughts words and deeds may be the expression of the person we really are, not simply our fear, greed and inability to imagine anything else.

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