Sunday, May 15, 2011

Full Scale Meltdown: Radiation Protection Foods

In the wake of Japans announcement that Fukashima is worse than previously acknowledged and far from over,  here is an outline of some herbs and agents used for detoxification and protection from radioactive pollution. 

Radiation Protective Regimen

1. Water - Find A Clean Source.  Reverse Osmosis and Charcoal Filters have been shown to have some effectiveness in removing radioactive compounds.  A combination is best.
2.  Potassium Iodide, (to ensure that you are getting enough potassium to block absorption of radioactive potassium) follow the directions on the bottle
3.  Kelp, 1-3 tablespoons daily... has the trace minerals which support iodine, so is good to use in collaboration with Potassium Iodide Highest natural source of Iodine.  Kelp and other Sea Vegetables like Dulse and Nori contain Sodium Alginate which has been shown to bind to radio active compounds to facilitate elimination. Crucial.  Stimulates the immune system, encourages healthy liver function and maintains joint integrity. Contains Vitamin B9 which has DNA protective properties.  Some people develop goiters if they eat too much kelp.
4.  Reishi as decoction or extract, (1 ounce dried mushroom to 1 gallon water) for its anti-mutagenic, liver protective and immune supportive properties.
5.  Chaga as decoction or extract, synergistic with Reishi, supreme anti-oxidant, meaning it protects the body from oxygen and "burning".  Chaga is also an amazing immune modulator.
6.  Chlorella 2 or more tablespoons a day, - detoxifying and building.  Chlorella facilitates the elimination of radiation and heavy metals from the body.
7.  Spirulina- 5 grams daily, In Russian Studies after Chernobyl, has been shown to reduce radiation levels in the body, regenerate bone marrow, spinal fluid, blood and the liver, as well as increase white blood cell count.

8.  Selenium - 200 micrograms or more daily - increases levels of antioxidant enzymes and stimulates DNA repair
9.  Sun Flower Seeds/Almonds -High en Vitamin E - Protects and Repairs cells from Free Radical Damage
10.  Zeolites 2 or more tablespoons a day- encapsulates and eliminates radioactive molecules in the body.
11.  Shilajit Powder 2 or more teaspoons a day - Source of trace Minerals.  High in Fulvic Acid which attaches to destructive molecules so they can be eliminated.
12. Tumeric or Tumeric Extract.... Highly anti inflammatory.... Because the effect of radiation is to basically slowly burn us, Tumeric can counterbalance this.
13.  MSM - tablespoon to every gallon of water, facilitates breakdown of toxic calcium in the body, which can pick up heavy metal and radioactive isotopes.
14.  Yarrow Special Formula from FES - Yarrow again is indicated in the case of burns. "Yarrow Special Formula is indicated for exposure to nuclear radiation and other forms of noxious environmental or geopathic stress." --Taken from Flower Essence Repertory by P. Kaminski and R. Katz
15.  Adya Clarity or natural spring water.  I have heard that Mica is being used extensively in Japan to protect drinking water.  I have seen this affect first hand in Mountain springs where Mica attaches to impurities in the water and concentrates them as a film at the bottom.  In this way the minerals naturally present in water have a purifying affect.  Adya clarity is a Black Mica mineral solution which can be added to drinking water to mimic this natural process and remove and neutralize toxic elements.

With the exception of the Potassium Iodide, these are foods which are beneficial to take daily regardless...

Eating as water rich a diet as possible of fresh locally grown wild foods and produce is also beneficial.
Violets, Lambs Quarter, Nettles, Chickweed, Dandelion, Milkweed, Miatake, June Berries, Raspberries, Wine Berries, Blue Berries, Black Berries and Mulberries are tremendous.  Fresh wild foods in most of us detoxify the body and provide trace minerals we need to thrive... As a guideline, go for foods that are thriving in your environment and eat them fresh. 

We have all been exposed to radiation for quite some time now.  This not a new phenomenon or something to fear, but rather an invitation to commit to a new level of awareness and dedication to healing this body and everybody.  Remember that worry, stress, fear and judgement actually tax your immune system and oxidize (age) the body, so my advice is to enjoy the ride while taking appropriate precautions to protect your loved ones and your self in the wake of this unfolding paradigm.

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