Sunday, June 24, 2012

Linden Dreams 6.5.12

The smell is intoxicating, the flowers syrupy sticky, almost resinous.
This morning up early, 5:00 am yoga, the sun already coming up across the river.  Because its warm I got to the river to practice. This place has a stone stage, with giant concrete steps leading both down to the river and up to a surrounding boardwalk on which grow many trees.  I've practiced here many times, but never noticed that the walk 6 feet above is an orchard of Tilia.  They are all singing in full flower.

In the early morning light the concrete monolithic forms an ancient temple, Golden Linden Blossoms hang in clusters like a haiku.

Overlapping spirit time, eternal instant echoing infinitely inwards, the limitless speaks full body lucid dream.

As the sun rises higher the her nectar is activated and waves of aromatic yellow essence animate my meditation.

After shavasana I collect flowers for tincture, tea, flower essence and eat them as I pick.  Small yellowish insects with translucent dragonfly wings drop from the glowing clusters onto my arms, big alien eyes of ascended insect masters.

I am grateful beyond words for such a sweet and melodic embrace.

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