Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rama Sita vrs. Wallstreet?

Were Rama and Sita fighting Wall Street's Evils?

In the Epic History of the Ramayana it tells how the Goddess Earth (Bhumidevi) came to the Creator Lord Brahma begging rescue from the evil king Ravana whose armies were plundering her resources and creating environmental destruction through war and evil practices.  Interestingly Ravana is described as having ten-heads.  While if taken literally this sounds quite fantastic, it is an interesting parallel to the personification of the corporation in our modern times.  Could it be that Monsanto, BP, Halliburton and Wells Fargo our modern day "Ten headed evil Kings",  are the collective expression of 10 individual heads (a corporate board) who plunder the Goddess Earth's resources and destroy our environment through war and evil practices.

The Ramayana goes on to tell the story of how Rama, the Avatar who along with his divine consort Sita, became embodied in these dark times with the sacred task of ending the 10 headed King's evil rule.  Rama is known in Hinduism as Maryada Purushottama or the perfect man in harmony with his dharma or highest calling.  This literally translates as the Lord of self Control, or the Lord of virtue.  Sita too is considered to be the embodiment of Maha Lakshmi and the perfect expression of womanhood.  She embodies the characteristics of generosity, courage, light and wisdom.

Although popularly considered to be actual historical figures, could it be that Rama and Sita, rather than individuals are the collective embodiment of righteous warriors who at one time in the fog of human history stood up to and overthrew the greed and destructive practices of the Corporation Ravana.  Is it a stretch?   Sure, but scholars has spectated that authors such as Patanjali and Veda Vyasa, rather than individual persons, are the collective writings multiple people.

Reading a summary of the Ramayana I couldn't help but draw parallels with our current situation.  As corporate greed reigns supreme, plundering the earth and driving to extinction plant and animal, what is at stake is our very humanity.  To remain complacent is to aid Ravana in his destructive and corrupt greed.  As humans and protestors in the US and around the world awaken to "Occupy" the world in which we live, I am reminded of Rama and Sita who fearlessly overcame all obstacles in the divine and selfless pursuit of balance and peace.

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