Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sankrit Why?

I have heard on numerous occasions a debate about the importance of tradition, vrs. ignoring the dusty old past in order to hear the voice which is still speaking.

It is not either or.

Language guides consciousness.  Because concepts sometimes must be filtered though the medium of word in order to communicate them, it sometimes happens that our consicousness takes on the limitations of words. 

One could say there is a consciousness inherent in a particular language.

Sanskrit for the yogi could be understood as a technical language.  It contains words and concepts which simply are not present in English.  Synonyms draw connections, which might remain hidden to the western practitioner.

Does this mean there is no value in Creating new words or names (as in the case of yoga postures)?  Certainly not.  Create away.

But to the seekers:  Don't pass up multi-dimentional gems, just because they have been forgotten.

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